Becoming MindStrong

[5 Days of Alignment] Day 2: Consciously Creating a Life of Alignment

Episode 74

One thing that will never go on my resume is Motivational Speaker. We're not here for pump-you-up-leave-you-flat fluff. We're here to do the weeeeerk.

So, Day 2 is all about just that: The first necessary action steps to creating your life of alignment.

Enrollment is now open to my Live on Zoom two hour INTENSIVE workshop: How to Rewire Your Brain to Consciously Build Your Aligned Life.

This isn't a passive sit back and listen workshop: this is a 2 hour deep dive where we do the work live, together, to put all the tools of these 5 days to immediate use.

Open ONLY to those participating in these 5 Days of Alignment, we're keeping enrollment limited to keep the integrity of the work we're doing together.

Reserve your seat early before it fills: