Becoming MindStrong

[5 Days of Alignment] Day 3: Aligning Each Day

Episode 75

Keeping our energy in alignment requires two necessary steps:

1. Starting the day in alignment
2. Knowing how to get ourselves back when life takes us out (which it will)

The reality is that most of us don't have hours a day to meditate and go for long walks in nature. So, here's my 10 minute morning routine + how I re-align as the day goes on, in a realistic, do-able way.

If you're ready to put these tools to use, you don't want to miss my upcoming live on Zoom intensive, How to Rewire Your Brain to Consciously Build Your Aligned Life.

In our two hours together, we're getting our hands in the dirt and uprooting those old stories, currently wired in our brain, and replacing them with our new, empowered, consciously aligned belief system.

This isn't a sit back and listen workshop, this is a two hour intensive where we do the work TOGETHER..and it will change your life.

To keep the integrity of our work together, seats are extremely limited and ONLY being offered to those participating in these 5 Days of Alignment.

Reserve your seat here before it fill: