Becoming MindStrong

[5 Days of Alignment] Day 4: Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows: Creating Boundaries & Protecting Your Energy

Episode 76

Tony Robbins coined a catchy little saying: "Where focus goes, energy flows" 

That's not just woohoo feel good's science. 

If you remember in Day 1, we talked about the Quantum Physics of Manifesting: we're literally attracting back where our energy is flowing.

So, it's safe to say that protecting our energy and focusing on activities (and people) that raise it is of the utmost importance. (I venture to say it's the single most important thing we can do.)

But what if we struggle to set boundaries? And is it realistic to have the freedom in life to only make choices in alignment with preserving our energy?

We're getting to WORK on Day 4 with how to do just that.

Only two days left to reserve your seat in limited edition, very limited seating live on Zoom intensive, How to Rewire Your Brain to Consciously Build Your Aligned Life.

With extremely limited seating, this is an intimate gathering to deep dive and do this work together. With Rachel as your guide, we're identifying old, limiting stories and beliefs that we may not even know are in there and, from there, consciously re-wiring our brain with the tools we need for our aligned life.

This event will fill up and enrollment closes with Day 5 tomorrow. Go reserve your seat before its filled: