Becoming MindStrong

[5 Days of Alignment] Day 5: Where it ALL Begins (The Base of the Pyramid)

Episode 77

I like to think of our Best Self as a pyramid. At the top of that pyramid is a Life of Alignment. The middle section is all about mindset, much of which we've dived into together this week. 

But we all know a pyramid can't stay up without the foundation. And the foundation of an Aligned Life MUST MUST MUST be our physical health (remember, it's science).  

Let's talk about how and why in Day 5...

Ready to chat about your health goals? Book your FREE 1-1 Strategy Session directly with Rachel right here:

This is it: LAST CALL to reserve your seat in my upcoming intensive, How to Rewire Your Brain to Consciously Construct the Life of Your Dreams

My promise to you: these will two of the most powerful hours you've ever experienced when it comes consciously building your aligned life

Last chance to reserve your seat here: